Monday, January 4, 2010

Medical Abbreviations B & C- Useful for Transcription and Coding

B&C, biopsy and curettage.
B, B-cells.
B, black.
B, born.
b/c, benefit/cost (ratio).
B19-PRCA, pure red cell aplasia caused by parvovirus B19.
Ba, BA, barium.
BA, blood alcohol.
BA, bone age.
BA, brachial artery.
BA, bronchial asthma.
BAB, Babinski's sign
BAC, blood alcohol concentration
BACR, British Association for Cancer Research.
Bact., bacteriologist; bacteriology
BaE, barium enema
BAER, brain stem auditory evoked response.
BAIJP, Bovie-assisted uvulopalatoplasty.
BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage.
BALF, broncho-alveolar lavage fluid.
B-ALL, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
bals, balsam.
BALT, bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue.
BAM, bamifylline.
BaM, barium meal.
BAM, basilar artery migraine.
BAM, bilateral augmentation mammoplasty.
BAM, brachial artery mean (pressure).
BAME, benzoylarginine methyl ester.
BamHI, restriction enzyme from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H.
BAN, British Approved Name.
BAN, British Association of Neurologists.
BANS, Back, posterior upper Arm, posterior Neck, Scalp; prognostically high-risk sites for malignant melanoma.
BAO, basal acid output.
BAO, brachial artery output.
BAO-MAO, basal acid output to maximal acid output (ratio).
BAP, bacterial alkaline phosphatase.
BAP, Behavior Activity Profile.
BAP, beta-amyloid peptide.
BAP, blood-agar plate.
BAP, bovine albumin in phosphate buffer.
BAP, brachial artery pressure.
BAPhysMed, British Association Physical Medicine.
BAPI, barley alkaline protease inhibitor.
BAPN, beta-aminoproprionitrile fumarate.
BAPO, Belgian Association of Pediatric Orthopaedics.
BAPP, beta amyloid precursor protein.
BAPS, biomechanical ankle platform system.
BAPS, bovine albumin phosphate saline.
BAPS, British Association of Paediatric Surgeons.
BAPS, British Association of Plastic Surgeons.
BAPT, British Association of Physical Training.
BAPTA, l,2-bis (aminophenoxy) ethane- N,N,N,N’-tetraacetic acid.
BAPV, bovine alimentary papilloma virus.
BAQ, brain-age quotient.
BAR, bariatrics; barometer, barometric.
bar, barometric.
BAR, beta-adrenergic receptor.
BAR, biofragmentable anastomosis ring.
BARB, barbiturates.
Barb,, barb barbiturate, barbituric.
BARK, beta-adrenergic receptor kinase.
Barn, benzamide.
BARN, bilateral acute retinal necrosis.
BARS, behaviorally anchored rating scale.
BART, blood-activated recalcification time.
BAS, balloon atrial septostomy
BaS, barium swallow.
bas, basilar.
bas, basophil, basophilic.
Bas, basophils.
BAS, benzyl anti-serotonin.
BAS, beta-adrenergic stimulation.
BAS, boric acid solution.
Bas., basal
BASA, Boston Assessment of Severe Aphasia.
BASE, B27-arthritis-sacroiliitis-extra-articular features (syndrome).
BASH, body acceleration synchronous with heart rate.
BASIC, Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Introduction Code.
baso, basophil.
BASO, British Association of Surgical Oncologists.
basos, basophils (leukocytes).
BASPCAN, British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.
BAT, basic aid training.
BAT, best available technology.
BAT, blunt abdominal trauma.
BAT, brown adipose tissue.
BAUS, British Association of Urological Surgeons.
BAV, bicuspid aortic valve.
BAVCP, bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis.
BAVFO, bradycardia after arteriovenous fistula occlusion.
BAW, bronchoalveolar washing.
BB, bad breath.
BB, bed bath.
BB, bed board.
BB, beta blockade, beta blocker.
BB, BioBreeding (rat).
BB, blanket bath.
BB, blood bank.
BB, blood buffer.
BB, blow bottle.
BB, blue bloaters (emphysema).
bb, Bolton point.
BB, borderline.
bb, both bones.
BB, both bones.
BB, breakthrough bleeding.
BB, breast biopsy.
BB, brush border.
BB, buffer base.
BB, bundle branch.
BB, isoenzyme of creatine kinase containing two B subunits.
BB/FS, breast biopsy/frozen section
BBA, born before arrival.
BBB, blood buffer base.
BBB, blood-brain barrier.
BBB, bundle branch block.
BBBB, bilateral bundle-branch block.
BBBD, blood brain barrier disruption.
BBC, Belgian Bone Club (EFFO Member Society).
BBC, bromobenzycyanide.
BBD, benign breast disease.
BBE, Bacteroides bile esculin (agar).
BBEP, brush border endopeptidase.
BBF, bronchial blood flow.
BBI, Biomedical Business International.
BBI, Bowman-Birk soybean inhibitor.
BBIW, BioBreeding/Worcester (rat).
BBM, brush border membrane.
BBMV, brush border membrane vesicle.
BBN, broad band noise.
BBRS, Burks’ Behavior Rating Scale.
BBS, Barolet-Biedl syndrome.
BBS, bashful bladder syndrome.
BBS, benign breast syndrome.
BBS, bilateral breath sounds.
BBS, bombesin.
BBS, borate-buffered saline.
BBS, brown bowel syndrome.
BBT, basal body temperature
BC, Bachelor of Surgery (Lat.Baccalaureus Chirurgiae).
BC, back care.
BC, bactericidal concentration.
BC, basal cell.
BC, basket cell.
BC, battle casualty.
BC, bicarbonate.
BC, biliary colic.
BC, bipolar cell.
BC, birth control.
BC, blastic crisis.
BC, blood count.
BC, blood culture.
BC, Blue Cross (plan).
BC, board certified.
BC, bone conduction.
BC, brachiocephalic.
BC, breast cancer.
BC, bronchial carcinoma.
BC, buccal cartilage.
BC, buccocervical.
BC, buffy coat.
BC/BS, Blue cross/Blue shield.
BCA, balloon catheter angioplasty.
BCA, bicinchoninic acid.
BCA, blood color analyzer.
BCA, Blue Cross Association.
BCA, branchial cleft anomaly.
BCA, breast cancer antigen.
BCAA, branched chain amino acid.
BCAT, brachiocephalic arterial trunk.
BCB, blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier.
BCB, brilliant cresyl blue.
BCBR, bilateral carotid body resection.
BCBSA, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
BCC, basal cell carcinoma.
BCC, benign cellular changes (pap smear).
BCC, biliary cholesterol concentration.
BCC, birth control clinic.
bcc, body-centered-cubic.
BCCG, British Cooperative Clinical Group.
BCCP, biotin carboxyl carrier protein.
BCD, binary-coded decimal.
BCD, bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, dactinomycin.
BCDDP, Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project.
BCDF, B-cell differentiation factor.
BCDL, Brachmann-Cornelia de Lange (syndrome).
BCDRS, brief Carroll depression rating scale.
BCDS, bulimia cognitive distortions scale.
BCDSP, Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program.
BCE, basal cell epithelioma.
BCE, benign childhood epilepsy.
BCE, bubble chamber equipment.
BCEI, breast cancer estrogen-inducible.
BCF, basophil chemotactic factor.
BCF, bioconcentration factor.
BCF, breast cyst fluid.
BCFP, breast cyst fluid protein.
BCG, bacille Calmette-Guérin (vaccine).
BCG, ballistocardiography, ballistocardiogram.
BCG, bicolor guaiac test.
BCG, bromcresol green.
BCGF, B-cell growth factor.
BCh, Bachelor of Surgery (Lat.Baccalaureus Chirurgiae).
BCH, basal cell hyperplasia.
BChD, Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
BCHE, butyrylcholinesterase.
BChir, Bachelor of Surgery (Lat.Baccalaureus Chirurgiae).
Bchl,, bChl bacterial chlorophyll.
BCHS, Bureau of Community Health Services.
BCHT, bicaval heart transplantation.
BCI, behavioral cues index.
BCI, brain-computer interface.
BCIA, Biomedical Clinical Instrumentation Association.
BCIP, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-inodolyl phosphate.
BCKA, branched-chain keto acid.
BCKD, branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase.
BCL, basic cycle length.
BCL, B-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
bcl-2, (B-cell lymphoma-2) a gene that inhibits apoptosis; overexpression may cause follicular lymphomas.
BCLPD, B-cell chronic lymphoprolipherative disorders.
BCNU, carmustine.
BCP, birth control pills.
bcr, breakpoint cluster region.
BCS, breast conservation surgery.
BD, (Lat: bis die) twice a day.
BD, band.
BD, barbital-dependent.
BD, barbiturate dependence.
BD, base deficit.
BD, base of prism down.
BD, basophilic degeneration.
BD, Batten disease.
BD, behavioral disorder.
BD, Behcet disease.
BD, belladonna.
BD, bicarbonate dialysis.
BD, bile duct.
BD, binocular deprivation.
BD, biotinylated dextran.
BD, birth date.
BD, black death.
BD, block design (test).
BD, blood donor.
BD, blue diaper (syndrome).
BD, board.
BD, border disease.
BD, borderline dull.
BD, bound.
BD, Bowen disease.
BD, brain damage.
BD, brain dead, brain death.
BD, Briquet disorder.
BD, bronchodilation, bronchodilator.
BD, buccodistal.
BD, bundle.
BD, buoyant density.
BD, Byler disease.
BDG, bidirectional Glenn shunt.
BE, barium enema.
BE, below the elbow.
BE, benzoylecgonine (cocaine).
BE, brisk and equal.
BEA, 2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide.
BEC2, an anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody that mimics the ganglioside GD3.
BEMS, Bioelectromagnetics Society.
BERG , balloon-assisted endoscopic retroperitoneal gasless (BERG lumbar interbody fusion).
beta-2M, beta-2 microglobulin level.
BF, biofiltration.
BF, blood flow.
BF, bone fragment.
bFGF, basic fibroblast frowth factor.
BG, bone graft.
BGB, bisglucuronosyl bilirubin.
BGS, balance, gate, station
BGTT, borderline glucose tolerance test.
BH cells, baby hamster kidney cells.
BHA, butylated hydroxyanisole.
BHG, Belgian Hand Group.
BHIA, British Healthcare Internet Association.
BHP, benign hypertrophic prostate.
BHS, beta hemolytic streptococcus.
BHT, blunt head trauma.
BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene.
BHV-1, Bovine Herpesvirus-1.
Bic., biceps.
BID, brought in dead.
BID/BD, twice a day (bis in die).
BIJC, The British Isles Joint TNM Classification.
BIL, bilateral
bilat., bilateral.
BIN, bin, twice a night.
BIP, bronchiolitis obliterans with interstitial pneumonia.
BIR, baculovirus IAP repeat.
BIR, British Institute of Radiology.
BIRP, B1-independent rotation phase-cycled.
BIRP, BIR-containing proteins.
Bis-GMA, bisphenol-a-glycidyl methacrylate.
BiVAS, biventricular assist system.
biw, twice a week.
BJ, Bence Jones (proteinuria).
BJ, biceps jerk.
BJ, bone and joint.
BJE, bones, joints, extremities
BJM, bones, joints, muscles.
BK, back.
BK, below the knee.
BKA, below knee amputation.
BKP, back pain.
BL, bilateral lower lung fields.
BL, blood loss.
Blad., bladder.
BLE, both lower extremities.
BLEED, bleeding (ongoing), low systolic blood pressure, elevated prothrombin time, erratic mental status, disease (unstable comorbid disease) (mnemonic for gastro-intestinal hemorrhage).
BLPD, B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder.
BLQ, both lower quadrants.
BLS, basic life support.
BLS-D, basic life support and defibrillation.
BM, basal metabolism.
BM, blood monitoring.
BM, body mass.
BM, bone marrow.
BM, bowel movement.
BMA, British Medical Association.
BMD, Becker muscular dystrophies.
BMD, Best's macular dystrophy.
BMD, bone mineral density.
BMES, Biomedical Engineering Society.
BMG, benign monoclonal gammopathy.
BMI, body mass index.
BMJ, British Medical Journal.
BMMEC, bone marrow microvascular endothelial cells.
BMN, bone marrow necrosis.
BMP, bone morphogenetic protein.
BMR, basal metabolic rate.
BMT, bone marrow transplant (see HDC and HDC/BMT).
BMZ, basement membrane zone.
BN, bound niacin.
BN, bulimia nervosa.
BND, barely noticeable difference.
BNLI, British National Lymphoma Investigation.
BNO, bladder neck obstruction.
BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
BOA, born on arrival.
BOA, British Oncology Association.
BOA, British Orthopaedic Association.
BODMA, British Oncology Data Managers Association (UK).
BOE, bilateral otitis externa.
BOLD, blood oxygenation level-dependent.
BOM, bilateral otitis media.
BOOP, bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia.
BOP, blood, ova, parasites.
BOS, Bombay Orthopaedic Association.
BOTA, Belgian Orthopaedic Trauma Association.
BOW, bag of waters.
BP, B/P, blood pressure.
BP, bipolar.
BP, body part.
BP, bullous pemphigoid.
BPC, blood pressure cuff.
BPC, bronchoprovocation challenge.
BPD, borderline personality disorder.
BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
BPH, benign prostatic hypertrophy.
BPI, bactericidal permeability increasing protein.
BPI, Brief Pain Inventory.
BPL, Bauchinia purpurea alba.
bpm, beats per minute.
BPP, blood pressure and pulse.
BPPV, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
BPS, Belgian Pain Society.
BPTB, bone-patellar tendon-bone.
BR, bacteriorhodopsin.
BR, bathroom.
BR, bedrest.
BRAT, a fusion protein between the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and the catalytic subunit of aspartyl transcarbamylase from Escherichia coli.
BRAT, Baylor Rapid Autologous Transfusion system.
BRAT, Behaviour Research and Therapy.
brat, brain tumor gene.
BRB, bright red blood.
BRBPR, bright red blood per rectum.
BRCA1 & BRCA2 (pronounced bra,ka one ...) genes, prone to multiple mutations, that are involved in a percentage of the breast cancers.
BRD(C), bovine respiratory disease (complex).
BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance system.
BRM, biological response modifier.
BRP, bathroom privileges.
BRW, breast meat weight.
BRY, breast meat yield.
BS, blood sugar.
BS, bowel sounds.
BS, breath sounds.
BS, bronchial secretion.
BSA, body surface area.
BSA, bovine serum albumin.
BSA, bowel signs active.
BSAEP, brain stem auditory evoked potentials.
BSC, bedside commode.
BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
BSE, breast self examination.
BSER, brainstem evoked response audiometry.
BSI, bloodstream infections.
BSL, baseline.
BSN, bowel sounds normal.
BSO, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
BSP, bromsulphalein (dye).
BSPh, bachelor of science in pharmacy.
BSQ, behavior style questionnaire.
BSR, basal skin resistance.
BSR, blood sedimentation rate.
BSR, bowel sounds regular.
BSR, brain stimulation reinforcement.
BSR, Buschke selective reminding (test).
BSS, Bachelor of Sanitary Science.
BSS, balanced salt solution.
BSS, Bernard-Soulier syndrome.
BSS, black silk suture.
BSS, British Scoliosis Society.
BSS, buffered salt solution.
BSS, buffered single substrate.
BSSE, bile salt-stimulated esterase.
BSSG, sitogluside.
BSSH, British Society for Surgery of the Hand.
BSSL, bile salt-stimulated lipase.
BST, bacteriuria screening test.
BST, blood serologic test.
BST, brief stimulus therapy.
BSTFA, bis-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide.
BSU, Bartholin, Skene, urethral (glands).
BSU, basic structural unit.
BSU, British standard unit.
BSV, binocular single vision.
BT base of tongue.
BT, bedtime.
BT, bitemporal.
BT, bitrochanteric.
BT, bladder tumor.
BT, Blalock-Taussig (shunt).
BT, bleeding time.
BT, blood type, blood typing.
BT, blue tetrazolium.
BT, blue tongue.
BT, body temperature.
BT, borderline tuberculoid.
BT, botulinum toxin.
BT, bovine turbinate (cells).
BT, brain tumor.
BT, breast tumor.
Bt2cAMP, N6,O2c- dibutyryladenosine 3c:5c-cyclic monophosphate, a dibutyryl derivative of cAMP.
BTA, Blood Transfusion Association.
BTB, breakthrough bleeding.
BTB, bromthymol blue.
BTBL, bromothymol blue lactose.
BTC, basal temperature chart.
BTC, biliary tract complication.
BTC, body temperature chart.
BTCG, Brain Tumor Cooperative Group.
BTD, biliary tract disease.
BTDS, benzoylthiamine disulfide.
BTE, behind the ear (hearing aid).
BTE, bovine thymus extract.
BTFS, breast tumor frozen section.
BTG, beta-thromboglobulin.
BTg, bovine trypsinogen.
BthU, British thermal unit.
BTL, bilateral tubal ligation.
BTLS, basic trauma life support.
BTM, benign tertian malaria.
BTM, blood temperature monitor.
BTMSA, bis-trimethylsilacetylene.
BTP, biliary tract pain.
BTP, biological treatment planning.
BTPABA, N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid.
BTPS, at body temperature and ambient pressure, and saturated with water vapor (gas).
BTR, Bezold-type reflex.
BTR, biceps tendon reflex.
BTR, biceps tendon reflex.
BTr, bovine trypsin.
BTS, blood transfusion service.
BTS, blue toe syndrome.
BTS, bradycardia-tachycaxdia syndrome.
BTSG, Brain Tumor Study Group.
bTSH bovine thyroid-stimulating hormone.
BTU, British thermal unit.
BTV, blue tongue virus.
BTW, back to work.
BTW, by the way.
BTx, blood transfusion.
BTX, botulinum toxin.
BTX, brevetoxin.
BTZ, benzothiazepine.
BU, base of prism up.
BU, Bethesda unit.
BU, blood urea.
BU, Bodansky unit.
BU, bromouracil.
BU, burn unit.
BU, Buruli ulcer.
Bu, bushel.
Bu, butyl.
BUA, blood uric acid.
BUA, broadband ultrasonic attenuation.
BUAS, Boston University Accutane Survey.
Buc, Bucc, buccal.
BUDR, bromodeoxyuridine.
BUDS, bilateral upper dorsal sympathectomy.
BUE, both upper extremities.
BUF, buffalo (rat).
BUG, buccal ganglion.
BUI, brain uptake index.
BULIT, bulimia test.
BuMed, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
BUMP, behavioral regression or upset in hospitalized medical patients (scale).
BUN, blood urea nitrogen.
BUN/CR, blood urea nitrogen/creatine ratio.
BUO, bleeding of undetermined origin, bruising of undetermined origin.
BUQ, both upper quadrants.
BUR bilateral ureteral occlusion.
BUS Bartholin, urethral, and Skene glands.
BUS, busulfan.
But, but, butyrate, butyric.
BV, bacitracin V.
BV, bacterial vaginosis.
BV, biological value.
BV, blood vessel.
BV, blood volume.
BV, bronchovesicular.
BVA, Blind Veterans Association.
BVA, British Veterinary Association.
BVAD, biventricular assist device.
BVAS, Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score (prognostic scoring systems).
BVC, British Veterinary Codex.
BVD, bovine viral diarrhea.
BVD-MD, bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease.
BVDT, brief vestibular disorientation test.
BVDU, bromovinyldeoxyuridine.
BVDV, bovine virus diarrhea virus.
BVE, binocular visual efficiency.
BVE, blood vessel endothelium.
BVE, blood volume expander.
BVGHV, Belgian Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot.
BVH, biventricular hypertrophy.
BVI, blood vessel invasion.
BVL, bilateral vas ligation.
BVM, bag-valve-mask.
BVM, bronchovascular markings.
BVM, Bureau of Veterinary Medicine.
BVMGT, Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test.
BVMOT, Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test.
BVMS, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Science.
BVO, branch vein occlusion.
BVOT, Belgische Vereniging voor Orthopedie en Traumatologie.
BVP, blood vessel prosthesis.
BVP, blood volume pulse.
BVP, burst of ventricular pacing.
BVR, baboon virus replication.
BVR, bureau of vocational rehabilitation.
BVS, blanked ventricular sense.
BVSc, Bachelor of Veterinary Science.
BVU, bromoisovalerylurea.
BVV, bovine vaginitis virus.
BW, bacteriological warfare.
BW, bed wetting.
BW, below waist.
BW, biological warfare.
BW, biological weapon.
BW, birth weight.
BW, black woman.
BW, bladder washout.
BW, blood Wasserman (reaction).
BW, body water.
BW, body weight.
BWD, bacillary white diarrhea.
BWFI, bacteriostatic water for injection.
BWI, birth weight.
BWS, battered woman (or wife) syndrome.
BWS, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
BWST, black widow spider toxin.
BWSV, black widow spider venom.
Bwt, body weight.
BWYV, beet western yellow virus.
BX, bx, bacitracin X.
BX, Bx, biop., biopsy.
BXO, balanitis xerotica obliterans.
ByCPR, bystander cardiac pulmonary resuscitation.
BYDV, barley yellow dwarf virus.
BYE, Barila-Yaguchi-Eveland (medium).
BZ, benzodiazepine.
Bz, Bzl, benzoyl.
BZD, benzodiazepine.
BZQ, benzquinamide.
BZRP, benzodiazepine receptor peripheral (type).
BZS, Bannayan-Zonana syndrome

C sect, C-section, cesarean section.
C&C, cold and clammy.
C&M, cocaine and morphine.
C&S, calvarium and scalp.
C&S, conjunctiva and sclera.
C&S, culture and sensitivity.
c(with line over it), with.
C, Celsius, centigrade, complement
C, certainty factor.
c, clinical.
C, cortex.
C, cysteine.
C, cytosine.
C, List.
C, standard clearance.
C, static respiratory compliance.
C/C, chief complaint.
C/M, counts per minute.
C/O, care of; complains of.
C/S, cesarean section.
C/S, cycles per second.
c/w, compatible with.
C/W, continue with.
C02, carbon dioxide.
C1 - C7, Cervical vertebrae.
C4S, chondroitin-4-sulfate.
Ca, calcium.
CA, cancer.
CA, carbonic anhydrase.
CA, carcinoma.
CA, cardiac arrest.
CA, catchment area.
CA, Caucasian adult.
CA, chromosomal aberration.
CA, chronological age.
CA, cornu Ammonis (Ammon’s horn).
CA, corpus allatum.
CA, cytoxan plus adriamycin (treatment regimen).
CAA, cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
CAA, cytosine-adenine-adenine codon for glutamine.
CAB, coronary artery bypass.
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft.
CAC, cytosine-adenine-cytosine codon for histidine.
CACO3, calcium carbonate.
CAD, coronary artery disease.
CAE, carotid artery endarterectomy.
CAF, caffeine.
CAF, Caucasian adult female
CAF, cell adhesion factor.
CAF, chloramphenicol.
CAF, chronic atrial fibrillation.
CAF, citric acid fermentation.
CAF, cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and 5-fluorouracil.
CAG, cytosine-adenine-guanine codon for glutamine.
CAH, chronic active hepatitis.
CAI, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.
CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B (USA).
cALL, common ALL.
CALLA, common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen.
CAM, Caucasian adult male.
CAM, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
CAMIS, Computer Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (Cleveland Clinic Foundation).
c-ANCA, cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.
CAO, chronic airflow obstruction.
CAOS, Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Systems (Hull University).
CAP, College of American Pathologists.
CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.
CAPMR, Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
caps, capsules.
CAREMIS, Current Agricultural Management Information System.
CAS, computer aided surgery (Journal).
CaSac, calcium saccharin.
CASIB, computer-assisted frameless stereotactic interstitial brachytherapy.
CAST-6, Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, 6-Item Version.
CASTLE, carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation.
CAT, cataract.
CAT, chloramphenicol avetyltransferase.
CAT, coital alignment technique.
CAT, computed axial tomography.
CATCH, critically attained threshold of cerebral hypoperfusion.
Cath, catheter.
CAU, cytosine-adenine-uracil codon for histidine.
CAV, cytoxan, adriamycin, and vincristine.
CAVB, chronic AV block.
CAVH, continuous arterio-venous haemofiltration.
CAVHD, continuous arterio-venous haemodialysis.
CB, chest-back.
CB, chronic bronchitis
CB, current complaint.
CB3S, Coxsackie B3 virus susceptibility.
CBC, combinatorial chemistry.
CBC, complete blood count.
CBD, corticobasal degeneration.
CBDS, corticobasal degeneration syndrome.
CBF, cerebral blood flow.
CBF, core binding factor (16q22).
CBF, coronary blood flow.
CBG, cortisol binding globulin.
CBGD, cortical-basal ganglionic degeneration.
CBP, colon anastomosis bursting pressure.
CBPP, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia.
CBQ, California Behavior Questionnaire.
CBQ, cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase.
CBQ, Childbearing Questionnaire.
CBQ, Children’s Behavior Questionnaire.
CBQ, Conflict Behavior Questionnaire.
CBR, complete bed rest.
CBS, cervicobrachial syndrome
CBS, chronic brain syndrome.
CBS, clinical behavioral science.
CBS, conjugated bile salts.
CBS, culture-bound syndrome.
CBS, cystathionine beta-synthase.
CBT, carotid body tumor.
CBT, cognitive behavioral treatment/therapy.
CBT, computed body tomography.
CBV, capillary blood cell velocity.
CBV, catheter balloon valvuloplasty.
CBV, central blood volume.
CBV, cerebral blood volume.
CBV, circulating blood volume.
CBV, corrected blood volume.
CBV, cortical blood volume.
CBV, Coxsackie B virus.
CBVD, cerebrovascular disease.
CBW, chemical and biological warfare.
CBX, computer-based examination.
CBZ, carbamazepine.
CC&C, colony count and culture.
CC, Caucasian child.
CC, cc, cubic centimeter.
CC, chief complaint.
cc, clean catch.
CC, closed cup.
CC, closing capacity.
CC, collagenous colitis.
CC, colony count.
CC, colorectal cancer.
CC, columnar cells.
CC, commission certified.
CC, common cold.
CC, complicating condition.
CC, compound cathartic.
CC, computer calculated.
cc, concave.
Cc, concave.
CC, concordance.
CC, congenital cardiopathy.
CC, congenital cataract.
CC, consumptive coagulopathy.
CC, contrast cystogram.
CC, conversion complete.
C-C, convexo-concavc.
CC, coracoclavicular.
CC, cord compression.
CC, corpora cardiaca.
CC, corpus callosum.
cc, corrected.
CC, costochondral.
CC, Coulter counter.
CC, craniocaudal.
CC, craniocervical.
CC, creatinine clearance.
CC, critical care.
CC, critical condition.
CC, Crohn colitis.
CC, Cronkhite-Canada (syndrome).
CC, crus cerebri.
cc, cubic centimeter.
CC, Current Contents.
CCA, cephalin cholesterol antigen.
CCA, chick cell agglutination.
CCA, chimpanzee coryza agent.
CCA, choriocarcinoma.
CCA, circulating cathodic antigen.
CCA, circumflex coronary artery.
CCA, common carotid artery.
CCA, congenital contractural arachnodactyly.
CCA, constitutional chromosome abnormality.
CCA, Consultative Committee on Agriculture .
CCA, cytosine-cytosine-adenine codon for proline.
CCAT, chick cell agglutination test.
CCAT, conglutinating complement absorption test.
CCB, calcium channel blocker.
CCBV, central circulating blood volume.
CCC, care-cure coordination.
CCC, cathodal closure contraction.
CCC, chronic calculous cholecystitis.
CCC, chronic catarrhal colitis.
CCC, comprehensive care clinic.
CCC, concurrent care concern.
CCC, consecutive case conference.
CCC, council on clinical classification.
CCC, critical care complex.
CCC, cylindrical confronting cistemae.
CCC, cytosine-cytosine-cytosine codon for proline.
CCCAD, The Canadian Consensus Conference on the Assessment of Dementia.
CCCC, centrifugal countercurrent chromatography
cccDNA covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid.
CCCE, cross-cultural cognitive examination.
CCCI, cathodal closure clonus.
CCCP, carbonyl cyanide m-chloro-phenyl-hydrazone.
CCCR, closed chest cardiac resuscitation.
CCCS, Canadian Committee on Cancer Staging.
CCCS, condom catheter collecting system.
CCCT, closed craniocerebral trauma.
CCCU, comprehensive cardiac care unit.
CCD, calibration curve data
CCD, central core disease.
CCD, charge-coupled device.
CCD, childhood celiac disease.
CCD, cleidocranial dysplasia.
CCD, clinical cardiovascular disease.
CCD, countercurrent distribution.
CCD, cumulative cardiotoxic dose.
CCDC, Canadian Communicable Disease Center.
CCDN, Central Council for District Nursing.
CcDNA, closed circle deoxyribonucleic acid.
CCE, carboline carboxylic acid ester.
CCE, chamois contagious ecthyma.
CCE, clear-cell endothelioma.
CCE, countercurrent electrophoresis.
CCE, cyanosis, clubbing or edema.
CCEHRP, Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs.
CCEI, Crown-Crisp Experimental Index.
CCF, cancer coagulation factor.
CCF, cardiolipin complement fixation.
CCF, carotid-cavernous fistula.
CCF, centrifuged culture fluid.
CCF, cephalin-cholesterol flocculation.
CCF, compound comminuted fracture.
CCF, congestive cardiac failure.
CCF, crystal-induced chemotactic factor..
CCFA, cefotoxin-cycloserine fructose agar.
CCFAS, compact colony-forming active substance.
CCFE, cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, fluorouracil, and extramustine.
CCFMG, Cooperating Committee on Foreign Medical Graduates.
CCFPC, Certificant member, College of Family Physicians of Canada.
CCG, Children's Cancer Group (USA).
CCG, cholecystogram, cholecystography.
CCG, clinically coherent group.
CCG, cytosine-cytosine-guanine codon for proline.
CCGC, capillary column gas chromotography.
CCH, C-cell hyperplasia.
CCH, chronic chloride hemagglutination.
CCH, chronic cholestatic hepatitis.
CCH, circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas.
CCHA, Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation.
CCHD, Chester County Health Department.
CCHD, cyanotic congenital heart disease.
CCHE, Central Council for Health Education.
CCHFA, Canadian Council on Health Facilities Accreditation.
CCHMS, Central Committee for Hospital Medical Services.
CCHP, Consumer Choice Health Plan.
CCHS, congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.
CCI, Cardiovascular Credentialing International.
CCI, cholesterol crystallization inhibitor.
CCI, chronic coronary insufficiency.
CCI, common client interface.
CCI, corrected count increment.
CCID50, cell culture infectious dose 50 %.
CCK, cholecystokinin.
CCK-8, cholecystokinin octapeptide.
CCKLI, cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity
CCK-OP, cholecystokinin octapeptide.
CCK-PZ, cholecystokinin-pancreozymin.
CCKRB, cholecystokinin receptor B.
CCL, carcinoma cell line.
CCL, certified cell line.
CCL, Charcot-Leyden crystal.
CCL, continuing care level.
CCL, critical carbohydrate level.
CCLI, composite clinical and laboratory index.
CCM, cerebrocostomandibular (syndrome).
CCM, chemical cleavage of mismatch.
CCM, congestive cardiomyopathy.
CCM, contextual choice model.
CCM, craniocervical malformation.
CCM, critical care medicine.
CCMC, Committee on the Costs of Medical Care.
CCME, Coordinating Council on Medical Education.
CCMS, cerebrocostomandjbular syndrome.
CCMS, clean catch midstream (urine).
CCMS, clinical care management system.
CCMSU, clean catch midstream urine.
CCMT, catechol methyltransferase.
CCMU, critical care medical unit.
CCN, caudal central nucleus.
CCN, community care network.
CCN, coronary care nursing.
CCN, critical care nursing.
CCNHP, community college nursing home project.
CCNU, N-(2-chloroethyl)-N’-cyclo-hexyl-N-nitrosourea.
CCO, cytochrome C oxidase.
CCOT, cervical compression overloading test.
CCPD, continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis.
CCR, continuous complete remission.
CCRG, Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford, UK).
CCS, Canadian Cancer Society.
CCSC, Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification.
CCU, coronary/cardiac care unit.
CCU, cytosine-cytosine-uracil codon for proline.
CD, cardiovascular disease.
CD, cause of death.
CD, circular dichroism.
CD, cluster of differentiation (eg. CD4, CD8) - full list of CDs.
CD, curative dose.
CD138, plasma cell membrane receptor.
CD138/B-B4, immunoperoxidase stain using an antibody against CD 138.
CDA, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia.
CDC, Centers for Disease Control.
CDG, Congenital disorders of glycosylation.
CDGS, carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome.
CDH, congenital dislocation of the hip.
CDH, congenital dysplasia of hip.
CDI, clean, dry, intact.
Cdiff, C-diff, Clostridium difficile.
CDMS, clinically definite multiple sclerosis.
cDNA, complementary DNA (a synthetic DNA copied from mRNA).
CDO, congenital duodenal obstruction.
CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating.
CDR, complementarity-determining regions.
CDS, cervico-dorsal syndrome.
CDT, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin.
CE angle (radiograph), center-edge angle.
CE, carboxylesterases.
CE, chloracetate esterase.
CE, european conformity.
CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen.
CEC, chloroethylclonidine.
CEF, cytoxan plus epirubicin plus 5.
Ceff, effective compliance; bedside method of monitoring the effectiveness of PEEP; equal with VT(tidal volume)/peak air pressure, should be greater than 50 cm3/cmH2O.
CENELEC, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization.
CERAD, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Cervical dil., cervical dilation.
CEZ, cefazolin.
CF, compare, refer to.
CF, complement fixation.
CF, cystic fibrosis.
CFAE, ceftiofur free acid equivalent.
CFC, colony-forming cells.
CFCOT, College Francais des Chirurgiens Orthopedistes et Traumatologues.
CFIDS, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.
CFM, continuous electronic fetal monitoring.
CFNS, chills, fever, night sweats.
CFP, call for papers.
CFPC, College of Family Physicians of Canada.
CFS, Chronic Fatigue (and Immune Dysfunction) Syndrome.
CFS/ME, chronic fatigue syndrome (often called myalgic encephalomyelitis, especially in the UK).
CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator.
CFU, colony forming units.
CFUc, colony-forming unit cells.
CFU-GEMM, colony-forming units generating granulocytes, erythroblasts, macrophages, and megakaryiocytes.
CFU-S, spleen colony-forming units.
cg, centigram.
CG, chorionic gonadotropin.
CGA, cytosine-guanine-adenine codon for arginine.
CGC, cytosine-guanine-cytosine codon for arginine.
CGCGGATC, Oct motif.
CGD, chronic granulomatous disease.
CGG, cytosine-guanine-guanine codon for arginine.
CGH, comparative genomic hybridization - cytogenetics method.
CGL, chronic granulocytic leukemia (previous name for CML).
CGN, crescentic glomerulonephritis.
CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide.
CGU, cytosine-guanine-uracil codon for arginine.
cGy, centi Gray (unit of radiation).
CH, characteristic.
CH, chest.
CH, chief.
CH, chronic.
CH, crown-heel.
ch. br. syn., chronic brain syndrome.
CH50, total functional hemolytic complement.
CHA, calcium hydroxyapatite.
CHA, congenital hypoplastic anemia.
cHA, coralline hydroxyapatite.
CHD, congenital dislocation of the hip.
CHD, congenital heart disease
CHD, coronary heart disease.
ChE, cholinesterases.
chemo, chemotherapy.
CHF, congestive heart failure.
CHG, change.
CHI, closed head injury.
CHILD syndrome, congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythrodermal and limb defects.
ChlVPP, chlorambucil, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisone.
CHOL, serum cholesterol.
CHR, chronic.
CHR, chronological.
CHS, calvarial hyperostotic syndrome.
CHS, Chediak-Higashi syndrome.
CHS, customized headholder system.
CHS1, Chediak Higashi syndrome gene, located on chromosome 1 (1q42-44).
CHT, classical heart transplantation.
CI, cardiac index (cardiac output divided by the patient's body surface area); normal 2.8-4.2 L/min/m2.
CI, cardiac insufficiency.
CI, cerebral infarction.
CI, confidence interval.
CIA, collagen-induced arthritis.
CIBIC-Plus, Clinician’s Interview Based Impression of Change Plus Caregiver Input.
CIC, circulating immune complexes.
CIC, crisis intervention clinic.
CICU, cardiac intensive care unit.
CID, carpal instability, dissociative.
CIDA, Canadian International Development Agency.
CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
CIG, cigarette consumption.
cig, cigarette.
CIG, cold insoluble globulin.
CIG, cryosurgical iceball gauge.
cIg, cytoplasmic immunoglobulin.
cIgM, cytoplasmic immunoglobulin M.
CIK, cytokine induced-killer cells.
CIMF, chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis.
CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center.
CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (grades I, II, III).
CIND, carpal instability non-dissociative.
CIP, clinical investigation plan.
CIP, International Foot and Ankle Society.
CIRC, circulation.
CIRC, circumference.
CIS, carcinoma in situ.
CISH, chromosomal in situ hybridization.
CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
CJF, carotid-jugular fistula.
CK 18, cytokeratin found in hepatocyte, renal tubular cell, ductular epithelia, mesothelia, and respiratory epithelia.
CK 1-8, neutral to basic cytokeratin.
CK 9-20, acidic cytokeratin.
CK, check.
CK, creatine kinase.
CK, cytokeratin.
CKD, result checked.
CKMB, creatine kinase muscle band.
CKS, classic Kaposi sarcoma.
CL VOID, clean voided specimen (urine).
CL(P), cleft lip without cleft palate.
CL, capillary lumen.
CL, cardiolipin.
CL, cell line.
cl, centiliter.
CL, centralis lateralis.
CL, chemiluminescence.
CL, chest and left arm (lead in electrocardiography).
Cl, chloride.
Cl, chlorine.
CL, cholelithiasis.
CL, cholesterol-lecithin.
CL, chronic leukemia.
CL, cirrhosis of liver.
cl, clarified.
Cl, clavicle.
CL, clavicle.
cl, clean.
CL, clean.
CL, clear liquid.
cl, clear.
Cl, clear.
CL, clearance.
CL, cleft lip.
cl, cleft.
cl, clinic, clinical.
Cl, clinic.
CL, clinical laboratory.
CL, clomipramine.
cl, clonus.
CL, closed.
Cl, Clostridium.
Cl, closure.
cl, clotting.
cl, cloudy.
Cl, colistin.
CL, complex loading.
CL, confidence limit or level.
CL, constant domain of L chain.
C-L, consultation-liaison (setting).
CL, contact lens.
CL, corpus luteum.
CL, corrected (echo long axis) length.
CL, cricoid lamina.
CL, criterion level.
CL, critical list.
CL, cycle length.
CL, cytotoxic lymphocyte.
CL, lung compliance.
CL/CP, cleft lip/cleft palate.
CL/CP, cleft lip/cleft palate.
CL/P cleft lip with or without cleft palate.
CLA, cerebellar ataxia.
CLA, Certified Laboratory Assistant.
CLA, cervicolinguoaxial.
CLA, contralateral local anesthesia.
CLA, cutaneous lymphocyte antigen.
CLA, cyclic lysine anhydride.
ClAc, chloroacetyl.
CLAH, congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia.
Clam, cervical laminectomy.
CLAS, congenital localized absence of skin.
class, classif, classification.
clav, clavicle.
CLB, chlorambucil.
CLB, curvilinear body.
CLBBB, complete left bundle branch block.
CLBP, chronic low back pain.
CLC, Charcot-Leyden crystal.
CLC, Clerc-Levy-Critesco (syndrome).
CLCD, cleidocranial dysostosis.
CLCN, chloride channel.
CLCP, chymotrypsin-like cationic protein.
CLCS, colchicine sensitivity.
CLD, chloride diarrhea.
CLD, chronic liver disease.
CLD, chronic lung disease.
CLD, congenital limb deficiency.
CLD, crystal ligand field.
CLDH, choline dehydrogenase.
CLDP, Commercial Law Development Program.
Cldy, cloudy.
CLE, centrilobular emphysema.
CLE, continuous lumbar epidural (anesthesia).
CLED, cystine-lactose-electrolyte-deficient (agar).
CLF, calcification of ligamentum flavum.
CLF, cardiolipin fluorescent (antibody).
CLF, ceroid lipofuscinosis.
CLF, cholesterol-lecithin flocculation.
CLH, chronic lobular hepatitis.
CLH, cleft limb-heart (syndrome).
CLH, corpus luteum hormone.
CLH, cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia.
CLI, complement lysis inhibitor.
CLI, corpus luteum insufficiency.
CLIA, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act.
CLIF, cloning inhibitory factor.
CLIF, Crithidia luciliae immunofluorescence.
clin, clinic, clinical.
CLINPROT, Clinical Cancer Protocols.
CLIP, capitolunate instability pattern.
CLIP, corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide.
CL-IVR, cycle length of the idioventricular rhythm.
CLL, cholesterol-lowering lipid.
CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
CLL, cow lung lavage.
CLL/SLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma.
CLMA, Clinical Laboratory Management Association.
CLMF, cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor.
CLML, Current List of Medical Literature.
CLMV, cauliflower mosaic virus.
clo, "clothing"—a unit of thermal insulation.
CLO, cod liver oil.
CLOF, clofibrate.
CLON, clonidine.
Clon, Clonorchis.
Clostr, Clostridium.
CLP, chymotrypsin-like protein.
CLP, cleft lip with cleft palate.
ClP, clinical pathology.
CLP, paced cycle length.
CLS, café-au-lait spot.
CLS, Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
CLS, Coffin-Lowry syndrome.
CLS, Cornelia de Lange syndrome.
CLSE, calf lung surfactant extract.
CLSH, corpus luteum stimulating hormone.
CLSL, chronic lymphosarcoma (cell) leukemia.
CLT(NCA), Laboratory Technician Certified by the National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel.
CLT, Certified Laboratory Technician.
CLT, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.
CLT, Clinical Laboratory Technician.
CLT, clot lysis time.
CLT, clotting time.
CLT, lung-thorax compliance.
CLTB, total body clearance.
CLU, clusterin.
CLV, cassava latent virus.
CLV, constant linear velocity.
CLZ, clozapine.
CM, California mastitis (test).
CM, calmodulin
CM, capreomycin
CM, carboxymethyl
CM, cardiac murmur
CM, cardiac muscle
CM, cardiomyopathy
CM, carpometacarpal
CM, castrated male
CM, Caucasian male
CM, cause of death (form Latin causa mortis)
CM, cavernous malformation
CM, cell membrane
CM, center of mass
cM, centi -morgan.
cm, centimeter - 0.01 meters.
CM, centrum medianum.
CM, cerebral malaria
CM, cerebral mantle
CM, cervical mucosa or mucus
CM, Chick-Martin (coefficient)
CM, chloroquinemepacrine
CM, chondromalacia
CM, chopped meat (medium)
CM, circular muscle
CM, circulating monocyte
CM, circumferential measurement
CM, clindamycin
CM, clinical medicine
CM, clinical modification
CM, coccidioidal meningitis
CM, cochlear microphonic
CM, combined modality
CM, common migraine
CM, complete medium
CM, complications
CM, condition median
CM, conditioned medium
CM, congenital malformation
CM, congestive myocardiopathy
CM, continuous murmur
CM, contrast medium
CM, copulatory mechanism
CM, costal margin
CM, cow’s milk
Cm, curium.
CM, cytometry
CM, cytoplasmic membrane
CM, Master of Surgery (from Latin Chirurgiae Magister)
Cm, maximum clearance.
Cm, minimal concentration.
CM, narrow-diameter endosseous screw implant (form French crete manche).
cm2, square centimeter.
cm3, cubic centimeter.
CMA, Canadian Medical Association.
CMA, Certified Medical Assistant.
CMA, chronic metabolic acidosis.
CMA, cow’s milk allergy.
CMA, cultured macrophages.
CMAP, compound muscle (or motor) action potential.
CMAR, cell matrix adhesion regulator.
Cmax, Cmax, maximum concentration.
CMB, carbolic methylene blue.
CMB, Central Midwives’ Board.
CMB, chloromercuribenzoate.
CMBES, Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society.
CMC, carboxymethylcellulose.
CMC, care management continuity.
CMC, carpometacarpal.
CMC, cell-mediated cytolysis or cytotoxicity.
CMC, chloramphenicol.
CMC, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis.
CMC, critical micellar concentration.
CMCC, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis.
CMCJ, carpometacarpal joint.
CMCt, care management continuity across settings.
CMD, campomelic dysplasia.
CMD, camptomelic dwarfism.
CMD, cartilage matrix deficiency.
CMD, chief medical director.
CMD, childhood muscular dystrophy.
CMD, chronic myeloproliferative disease.
CMD, comparative mean dose.
CMD, congenital muscular dystrophy.
CMD, count median diameter.
cmDNA, cytoplasmic membrane-associated deoxyribonucleic acid.
CME, continuing medical education (American Medical Association On-Line CME Locator).
CMET, central mucoepidermoid tumor of the jaws.
CMF, cytoxan, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil.
CMH, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test.
CMHC, community mental health centers.
CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia.
CMML, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.
CMO, centric relation occlusion.
CMO, Chief Medical Officer (UK).
CMP, cardiomyopathy.
CMQ, Collège des médecins du Québec.
CMR, clinical materials requisition.
CMS, circulation, motion, sensation.
CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (International).
CMV, cisplatin-methotrexate-vinblastine.
CMV, control medical ventilation.
CMV, cytomegalovirus.
CMVIG, cytomegalo virus immune globulin.
CN (2-12), cranial nerves (2 to 12).
CN, cranial nerve.
CNB, cannabinoids.
CNL, chronic neutrophilic leukemia.
CNL, constant neutral loss (scanning).
CNPA, chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis.
CNR, contrast-to-noise ratio.
CNS, central nervous system.
CNTF, ciliary neurotrophic factor.
cNTS, caudal region of nucleus tractus solitarius.
CNU-TNM, Comite Nacional Uruguayo TNM.
CNV, cranial nerve number 5.
CNX, cranial nerve number 10.
CO, carbon monoxide.
CO, cardiac output.
CO, check out.
CO, childhood-onset.
Co, cobalt.
COA, California Orthopaedic Association.
COA, Canadian Orthopaedic Association (Canadian Medical Association Affiliates).
COA, condition on admission.
COAD, chronic obstructive airways disease.
COD, cause of death.
COD, condition on discharge.
CO-GHD, childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.
COGME, Council on Graduate Medical Education.
COLD, chronic obstructive lung disease.
COMP, compound.
COMSS, Council of Musculoskeletal Specialty Societies (also: AAOS Specialty Societies).
COMT, catechol-O-methyltransferase.
Con A, concavalin A.
Cong. fail., congestive failure.
CONs, normal controls.
Cons., consultant.
COOMR, Center for Orthopaedic Oncology and Musculoskeletal Research.
COPA, Certified Orthotic and Prosthetic Advocates.
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
COPE, chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema.
COR, Center for Orthopaedic Research.
CORF, Carolina Orthopaedic Research Foundation.
CORR, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (Journal).
COS, Canadian Oncology Society.
COS, Clinical Orthopaedic Society (AAOS Related Organizations).
COS, Colorado Orthopaedic Society.
COSTA test, compost stabilization test.
COVD, College of Optometrists in Vision Development.
COX, cytochrome c oxidase.
COX-II, cyclooxygenase-II.
CP, capsid protein.
CP, cerebral palsy.
CP, chest pain.
CP, coat protein.
CP2D-A, citrate-phosphate-double-dextrose adenine.
CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure.
CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass.
CPB, competitive protein binding.
CPC, clinicopathological correlation.
CPD, cephalopelvic disproportion.
CPD, citrate-phosphate-dextrose.
CPE, chronic pulmonary emphysema.
CPE, complete physical examination.
CPE, cytopathic effect.
CPHL, Central Public Health Laboratory.
CPK, creatine phosphokinase.
CPM, clinical project manager.
CPM, continuous passive motion machine (center for orthopaedics and sports medicine).
CPM, cyclophosphamide.
CPMA, California Podiatric Medical Association.
CPMS, chronic progressive multiple sclerosis.
CPPD, calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate.
CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
CPR, checks with previous results.
CPR, Contraceptive Prevalence Rate.
CPR, C-reactive protein.
CPT, Current Procedural Terminology.
CPV-2, parvovirus-2.
CPX, complete physical examination.
CPZ, cefoperazone.
CPZ, Chlorpromazine (Thorazine).
CR (1,2, and 3), leukocyte complement receptors.
CR&C, closed reduction and cast.
CR, chest radiogram.
CR, clinical records.
CR, closed reduction.
CR, complete remission/complete response.
CR, conditioned reflex.
CR, crown-rump.
CRA, Clinical Research Associate.
CRC, Cancer Research Campaign (UK).
CRC, colorectal carcinoma.
CREST, calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasis.
CRF, case report form.
CRF, case report forms.
CRF, chronic renal failure.
CRF, corticotropin-releasing factor or hormone.
CRIS, controlled-release infusion system.
CRIT, critical hematocrit.
CRLs, cervical root lesions.
CRNA, certified registered nurse anesthetist.
CRO, cathode ray oscilloscope.
CRO, clinical research organizations.
CRO, Contract Research Organization.
CROM, cervical range of motion.
CROM, cervical range of motion.
CROME, congenital cataracts-epileptic fits-mental retardation (syndrome).
CROS, contralateral routing of signals (hearing aid).
CRP, chronic relapsing pancreatitis.
CRP, corneal-retinal potential.
CRP, coronary rehabilitation program.
CRP, C-reactive protein.
CrP, creatine phosphate.
CRP, cross-reacting protein.
CRP, cyclic AMP receptor protein.
CRPA, C-reactive protein antiserum.
CRPD, chronic restrictive pulmonary disease.
CRPF, chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.
CRPF, closed reduction and percutaneous fixation.
CRPF, contralateral renal plasma flow.
CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome (type I and II).
CRRN, certified rehabilitation registered nurse.
CrRT, cranial radiotherapy.
CRS, Carroll rating scale for depression.
CRS, catheter-related sepsis.
CRS, caudal regression syndrome.
CRS, cervical spine radiography.
CRS, Chinese restaurant syndrome.
CRS, colon and rectum surgery.
CRS, compliance of the respiratory system.
CRS, congenital rubella syndrome.
CRS, craniosynostosis.
CRS, cryptidin-related sequence.
CRSM, cherry red spot myoclonus.
CRSP, comprehensive renal scintillation procedure.
CRST, calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (syndrome).
CRT, cadaveric renal transplant.
CRT, capillary refill time.
CRT, cardiac resuscitation team.
CRT, cathode-ray tube.
CRT, Certified Record Techniques.
CRT, certified.
CRT, choice reaction time.
CRT, chromium release test.
CRT, complex reaction time.
CRT, computerized renal tomography.
CRT, copper reduction test.
CRT, corrected retention time.
CRT, corrected.
CRT, cortisone resistant thymocyte.
CRT, cranial radiation therapy.
crt, hematocrit.
CRTM, cartilage matrix protein.
CRTP, Consciousness Research and Training Project.
CRTT, Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician.
CRU, cardiac rehabilitation unit.
CRU, clinical research unit.
CRV, central retinal vein.
CRVF, congestive right ventricular failure.
CRVO, central retinal vein occlusion.
CRYG, gamma crystallin gene.
CRYM, crystallin, MU.
cryo, cryogenic.
cryo, cryoglobulin.
cryo, cryoprecipitate.
cryo, cryosurgery.
cryo, cryotherapy.
Cryoppt, cryoprecipitate.
crys, cryst crystal, crystaline.
CS, calf serum.
CS, campomelic syndrome.
CS, carcinoid syndrome.
CS, cardiogenic shock.
CS, caries-susceptible.
CS, carotid sheath.
CS, carotid sinus.
Cs, case.
CS, cat scratch.
CS, celiac sprue.
Cs, cell surface.
cS, centistoke.
CS, central service.
CS, central supply.
CS, cerebral scintigraphy.
CS, cerebrospinal.
CS, cervical spine.
CS, cervical stimulation.
CS, cesarean section.
Cs, cesium.
CS, chest strap.
CS, chief of staff.
CS, cholesterol stone.
CS, chondroitin sulfate.
CS, chorionic somatomammotropin.
cs, chromosome.
CS, chronic schizophrenia.
CS, cigarette smoker.
CS, citrate synthase.
CS, climacteric syndrome.
CS, clinic scheduling.
CS, clinical laboratory scientist.
CS, clinical stage.
CS, clinical status.
CS, Cockayne syndrome.
CS, complete stroke.
CS, compression syndrome.
CS, concentrated strength.
CS, conditioned stimulus.
CS, congenital syphilis.
CS, conjunctival secretion.
CS, conscious sedation.
CS, conscious, consciousness.
cs, consciousness.
CS, conservative surgery.
CS, constant spring.
CS, contact sensitivity.
CS, continue same.
CS, contrast sensitivity (test).
CS, control serum.
CS, convalescence, convalescent.
CS, coronary sclerosis.
CS, coronary sinus.
CS, corpus striatum.
CS, corticoid-sensitive.
CS, corticosteroid.
CS, crush syndrome.
CS, c-section, cesarean section.
CS, current smoker.
CS, current strength.
CS, Cushing syndrome.
CS, cycloserine.
CS, cyclosporine.
Cs, cyclosporine.
CS, IV clinical stage 4.
CSA, Canadian Standards Association.
CSA, canavaninosuccinic acid.
CSA, carbonyl salicylamide.
CSA, cell surface antigen.
CSA, chemical shift anisotropy.
CSA, chondroitin sulfate A.
CSA, chorionic somatomammotropin A.
CSA, colony-stimulating activity.
CSA, compressed spectral assay.
CSA, computerized spectral analysis.
CSA, Controlled Substances Act.
CSA, cross section area.
CSA, cyclosporine A.
CsA, cyclosporine A.
CSAA, Child Study Association of America.
CSAD, corporate services administration department.
CSAT, center for substance abuse treatment.
CSAVP, cerebral subarachnoid venous pressure.
CSB, Canadian Society for Biomechanics (Société Canadienne de Biomécanique).
csb, chromosome break.
CSB, congenital short bowel.
CSB, contaminated small bowel.
CSB, craniosynostosis, Boston type.
CSBF, coronary sinus blood flow.
CSBS, contaminated small bowel syndrome.
CSC, blow on blow (administration of small amounts of drugs at short intervals) (Fr.coup sur coup).
CSC, collagen sponge contraceptive.
CSC, corticostriatocerebellar.
CSC, cryogenic storage container.
CSCC, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.
CSCD, Center for Sickle Cell Disease.
CSCI, corticosterone side-chain isomerase.
CSCR, Central Society for Clinical Research.
CSCV, critical serum chemistry value.
CSD, carotid sinus denervation.
CSD, cat scratch disease.
CSD, combined system disease.
CSD, conditionally streptomycin dependent.
CSD, conduction system disease.
CSD, cortical spreading depression.
CSD, craniospinal defect.
CSD, critical stimulus duration.
CSDB, cat scratch disease bacillus.
CSDMS, Canadian Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.
CSE, clinical-symptom self-evaluation (questionnaire).
CSE, cone-shaped epiphysis.
CSE, conventional spin-echo.
CSE, cross-sectional echocardiography.
C-section, cesarean section.
CSEP, cortical somatosensory evoked potential.
CSER, cortical somatosensory evoked response.
CSF, cancer family syndrome.
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
CSF, classical swine fever.
CSF, cold stability factor.
CSF, colony-stimulating factor.
CS-F, colony-stimulating factor.
CSF, coronary sinus flow.
CSFH, cerebrospinal fluid hypotension.
CSFP, cerebrospinal fluid pressure.
CSFR, colony-stimulating factor receptor.
CSFV, cerebrospinal fluid volume.
CSF-WR, cerebrospinal fluid-Wassermann reaction.
CSG, cholecystography, cholecystogram.
csg, chromosome gap.
CSGBI, Cardiac Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
CSGBM, collagenase soluble glomerular basement membrane.
CSH, carotid sinus hypersensitivity.
CSH, chronic subdural hematoma.
CSH, combat support (army) hospital.
CSH, cortical stromal hyperplasia.
CSHA, Canadian Study of Health and Aging.
CSHE, California Society for Hospital Engineering.
CSHRH, congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis.
CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.
CSK, chronic superficial keratitis.
CSM, clinical supply management.
CSMSD, Czech Society for Metabolic Skeletal Diseases (EFFO Member Society).
CSOS, Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic Society.
CSOT, Canadian Society of Orthopaedic Technologists.
CSP, cervical spine.
CSP, cyclosporine.
C-spine, cervical spine.
CSR, central supply room.
CSRS, Cervical Spine Research Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies).
CSRT, corrected sinus recovery time.
CSS, Churg-Strauss syndrome.
Cst, corticosterone.
CSV, Cordis Standard Valves.
CSW, Certified Social Worker.
CT, carpal tunnel.
CT, cerebral thrombosis.
CT, cervical traction.
CT, cervical-thoracic.
CT, chemotherapy.
CT, clinical trial.
CT, computerized tomography.
CT, cor triatriatum.
CT, cytotrophoblast.
ct., count.
CTA, clear to auscultation (about lungs).
CTAB, clear to auscultation bilaterally (about lungs).
CTACK, cutaneous T-cell attracting chemokine.
CTB, cholera toxin subunit B.
CTB, confined to bed
CTC, common toxicity criteria.
CTD, connective tissue disease.
CTE, coefficient of thermal expansion.
CTEV, congenital talipes equinovarus.
CTF, central tegmental field.
CTL, cervical, thoracic, lumbar.
CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
CTLA, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CD152).
CTNB, CT-guided needle biopsy.
CTO, clinical trials office.
CTR, carpal tunnel release.
CTR, coated tube radioimmunoassay.
CTS, carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel release: sample operative report).
CTSP, called to see patient.
CTX, clinical trials exemption.
CU, cause unknown.
CU, clinical unit.
cu, cubic.
CUA, cytosine-uracil-adenine codon for leucine.
CUC, cytosine-uracil-cytosine codon for leucine.
CUD, cause undetermined.
CUG, cytosine-uracil-guanine codon for leucine.
CUU, cytosine-uracil-uracil codon for leucine.
CV, cardiac volume.
CV, cardiovascular.
CV, cervical vertebra.
CV, color vision.
CV, cresyl violet (dye used in Gram staining).
CVA, cerebrovascular accident (stroke).
CVA, costovertebral angle.
CVC, central venous catheters.
CVD, cardiovascular disease.
CVD, cerebrovascular disease
CVG, contrast ventriculography.
CVI, cerebrovascular insufficiency.
CVMP, Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Product.
CVP, central venous pressure; normal range: 0 to 9 cm of water.
CVP, cytoxan, vincristine, prednisone
CVS, cardiovascular status.
CVS, cardiovascular system.
CVS, chorionic villous sampling.
CVVH, continuous veno-venous haemofiltration.
CVVHD, continuous veno-venous hemodialysis.
CW, chest wall.
CW, crutch walking.
CWHTO, closing wedge high tibial osteotomy.
CWI, crutch walking instructions.
CWP, cell wall protein.
CWP, childbirth without pain.
CWP, coal workers’ pneumoconiosis.
CX, cervix.
CX, chest x-ray.
CX, consciousness
Cx, cultures.
CXR, chest X-ray.
Cys, cysteine.
cysto, cystoscopic exam.

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