Sunday, December 6, 2009

Medical Coding

Medical Coding is assigning codes to each and every diagnosis and procedures performed by the physicians or facility. Codes are being assigned as per ICD-9 CM (International Classification of Diseases -9 Clinica Modification) and CPT (Current Procedureal Terminology) which is published AMA (American Medical Association).

Diagnosis Coding:
Diagnosis is coding is done from ICD-9 CM Vol I and Vol II.
For Ex. Headached is coded to 784.0.

Procedure Coding:
Procedure coding is done from ICD-9 CM Vol 3 and CPT.

A detailed discussion on coding will be done in further posts.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Thanks for sharing valuable information. I would like to add some more points, Nowadays Medical coding companies have Professional Remote medical Coders to support healthcare service providers or physicians to anywhere in the world.
